Christmas Day Sermon

Our Universe came into existence 13 billion years ago. Ireland commenced its journey to become an island by breaking away from a larger land mass 430 million years ago.
Human persons are on this planet at least 4 million years (see Ardi). Ireland’s separation as an island was complete around 13 thousand years ago and human persons arrived here 8 to 9 thousand years ago.
 St Patrick arrived here 1,588 years ago; telling us why he came from his autobiography, that having come originally as a slave he now returned because “I could not be silent nor should I be because of the great graces God the Father had bestowed …. and His Son Jesus Christ whom we declare to have always been with the Father from all eternity”.
This message has permeated Irish life and Irish culture Since that time. In this period of time in which we live the Church needs three essential ingredients: Prayer, Reconciliation and Knowledge.

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