Blessed Columba Marmion, OSB.

Dublin born, Blessed Columba Marmion, OSB.

Dom Columba had a profound devotion to Our Lady. He often repeated “We should be by grace what Jesus was by nature, a child of God and a child of Mary.” Someone said to him one day, “The Rosary is for women and children.”-“Suppose it is,” he replied, “but what did Our Lord say? Unless you change and become like little children, you will not enter the kingdom of Heaven (Mt. 18:3). And I want to enter there!”

A beautiful quote on the Mass,

“More often than not, I feel my heart overflow with joy and gratitude in thinking that I possess, in Jesus present on the altar, an atonement worthy to be offered to the Father, a satisfaction of infinite price. How many graces are contained in the Mass! No saint, not even the Virgin Mary, has been able to draw from this sacrifice all the fruit which is held in it.” Blessed Dom Columba Marmion OSB.

A prayer for his Feast Day

God, our Father,
you called your servant, Blessed Columba,
to the monastic life.
You bestowed on him the grace
to understand the mysteries of your Son
and to make him known as the ideal
for all who have been baptized.
Grant that we may learn from his example
to live in Christ by opening our hearts in joy
to the Spirit of your Son, our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
One God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Terry Mc Namee

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