August 5th, The Dedication of the Basilica of St Mary Major.

August 5th, The Dedication of the Basilica of St Mary Major.

The first church in the Western World dedicated to the Most Holy Mother of God was built on the Esquiline Hill of Rome in 352AD.

A miraculous fall of snow indicated the site where the church was to be built. The church was dedicated to Our Blessed Lady just after the Council of Ephesus had solemnly affirmed her as truly ‘Theotokos’ – God-bearer – Mother of God.

Since the dedication of this great church in the 4th century, now one of the four major Roman basilicas, countless churches and cathedrals throughout the world have been dedicated to Mary Most Holy.

In the household of God’s family, in Heaven and on the earth, Mary loves us with a perfect mother’s love. Her love comforts and protects us on earth and her love will fill us with gladness, for ever, in Heaven, when, with her, we see Jesus, in the Glory of His Father and the Holy Spirit.

For all eternity, with the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, our spirits shall exult in the

Lord God our Saviour (Luke 1:47).

Terry Mc Namee

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