Meeting for teenagers

A meeting will take place for the teenagers of Ballymurn to put together ideas for the use of the Garden Field at the back of the Parocial House. This meeting will take place tonight 7th of November at the Grotto in the car park. It will commence at 6.30pm and conclude at 7.00 pm. Child […]

We continue to celebrate Easter:

The Easter celebrations continues for 40 Days .This gives us time to look at our life and the journey we are Making.Where are we journeying to.To Christ and all that He has promised us in Heaven…Let there be no mistake as to where our destiny lies.

A Woman of courage in Todays Gospel.John12:1-11…

Bethany is two miles from Jerusalem, where Jesus stayed while Visiting Jerusalem.A banquet is being Held Mary arrives and enters the Banquet Hall and annoints Jesus. She is rebuked . Jesus accepts the anointing as preparation for His Buriel> Mary knew what was going to take place in Jerusalem , His death. .The apostles were […]