Meeting for teenagers
A meeting will take place for the teenagers of Ballymurn to put together ideas for the use of the Garden Field at the back of the Parocial House. This meeting will take place tonight 7th of November at the Grotto in the car park. It will commence at 6.30pm and conclude at 7.00 pm. Child […]
Mass for our Holy day Tuesday 15th of August Feast of the Assumption is Ballymurn 10 am. and Crossabeg 11am
Due to threatened Showery Weather ,Mass for the Crossabeg Patern this evening will be in the Church at 7PM.The Blessing of Graves and the sprinkling of Holy Water will follow immediately after Mass in the cemetery wet or fine.
First Holy Communion and Confirmation Parents Meeting in Ballymurn Hall on next Monday night the 26 th. of June.Communion Meeting @ 7 PM and Confirmation meeting @ 8pm.Parents Expected To attend
Clarification of Crossabeg Patron
Owing to a misprint …..Patron in Crossabeg this Year is now clarified , Saturday 1st of July.
We continue to celebrate Easter:
The Easter celebrations continues for 40 Days .This gives us time to look at our life and the journey we are Making.Where are we journeying to.To Christ and all that He has promised us in Heaven…Let there be no mistake as to where our destiny lies.
We are on a journey of Self Discovery this week…….
We have seen on Monday how Mary of Bethany from Listening to the Lord Knew what was taking place and going to take place in Jerusalem this week.We saw on Tuesday how we are all unique Isaiah 49 1-6. God announces to Isiaiah that He has plans for him. We too are unique and God […]
A Woman of courage in Todays Gospel.John12:1-11…
Bethany is two miles from Jerusalem, where Jesus stayed while Visiting Jerusalem.A banquet is being Held Mary arrives and enters the Banquet Hall and annoints Jesus. She is rebuked . Jesus accepts the anointing as preparation for His Buriel> Mary knew what was going to take place in Jerusalem , His death. .The apostles were […]
We commence Holy Week this Week with palm Sunday>
Today begins the Chief celebration of the Christian calendar.For us then this celebration is even higher than Christmas .It is a week when we can reflect on (1) Who was Jesus? and (2) Is there a Personal significance for us Personally?