Our Churches can reopen again from Monday June 29th.This will be seen as a historic occasion down the pages of history. We need volunteers to enable this to happen. If you are willing to give a hand at helping us to accomplish this then call me on mobile phone or text me in the coming […]
Good morning on this the feast of The Body and Blood of the Lord.
CROSSABEG PATRON Crossabeg Patron will take place this year on the first weekend of July 4th. / 5th. There will be no public Patron Mass or public Blessing this year because of Covid-19 restrictions. Everything else will continue as usual. Names can be displayed on the alter for the weekend as usual. The names can […]
Celebrating the Sending of the Holy Spirit
I have always said that religion must be practical and real. Listen to this man’s story because it is a real example of how the Holy Spirit works, because Jesus said on last Sunday “its good for you that I go, because if I go I will send back the Spirit to you. Listen to […]
Heading in the right direction
As we head in the right direction with Covid-19 on our road map to re-opening our country, it’s good for us to think what have we learned which might add quality to our future lives. Our video this week gives us some thoughts to ponder (watch video here). We celebrate Ascension Sunday this weekend, where […]
The journey continues, the questions arise
. . . about ourselves, our life and even our eternity. Let’s make use of a special Facebook Group Page ( a selection of pages in different age categories if necessary) from the different places we have met – schools in Ballymurn and Crossabeg from other schools or retreats when we were all younger – […]
Let’s join this world event
Each evening when I lock up our two churches – Ballymurn and Crossabeg – around 9 or 9.3 0 pm, I’m always surprised to find one or two candles, sometimes more, still flickering in the twilight of the evening glow of the church. People calling one by one or in pairs, quietly to pray and […]
First Holy Communion and Patrons
Now that we have an exit strategy from the Government and all going well into the future . . . we are able to see where we might be going in the weeks ahead. First Holy Communion will not be taking place unfortunately, until around September or early into October and in this context, after […]
Understanding ourselves
These days we are making great inroads into our understanding of ourselves … as was said to me this morning “what was all the hurry and fuss about up to a few weeks ago … we lost the run of ourselves”. Well, so many people are saying this. Last Friday we were given a road […]
What are the possibilities in our lives?
We are now heading into a new week. Have a look at our video (here) and ask yourself – what are the possibilities in our lives – what are the dreams we have for our personal lives – it’s good to count the blessings we have – let’s also add in the future into the […]
We can be grateful for our many blessings
Sunday is given to us so that we can take time off work, rest, dress up, spend time enriching our important relationships and look in a positive light at all our blessings, our video today takes us through a small list……. You can watch video here.