Night Prayer to Our Lady.

Night Prayer to Our Lady

Night is falling dear Mother and the long day is o’er
And before your dear image I am kneeling once more
To thank you for bringing me safe through the day
And to ask you this night to keep evils away

Many times have I fallen today Mother dear
Many graces neglected since last I knelt here
Will you not in pity my dear Mother mild
Ask Jesus to pardon the sins of His child

In His book they are written against the Last Day
O Mother ask Jesus to wash them away
For one drop of His Blood which for sinners is spilt
Is sufficient to cleanse the whole world from its guilt

And if ere the dawn I should draw my last breath
And the sleep I should take be the long sleep of death
Be near me dear Mother for Jesus’ dear sake
When my soul on eternity’s shore shall awake.

Terry Mc Namee

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