Saint Bernadette.

Saint Bernadette

In Lourdes You experienced the joys and trials of family life
You saw Mary eighteen times at the rock
You called the sinners to penance
The priests to edify the Church of God
The pilgrims to come in procession
You reported the name of Mary, the Immaculate Conception
You desired ardently to receive the Body of the Lord, and to live of it
You knew shame and suspicion, mockery and humiliation
You bore witness to what you saw and believed with such determination
You answered the call of the Lord.

With you Bernadette, WE go to the Grotto, to contemplate Mary, full of grace, to hear her say ‘Do whatever he tells you’.
With you Bernadette, WE reply I promise, I will. Saint Bernadette teach us to receive the good news.
With you Bernadette, WE wish to hear the call of penance, to walk in the path of conversion, to live in humility
With you Bernadette, WE take up our Cross, we say ‘Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners
With you Bernadette, WE go and wash at the springs of mercy
With you Bernadette, WE say Yes to the will of God, by becoming servants of the little ones, the poor and the sick
With you Bernadette, WE look on the other as a person, Saint Bernadette, teach us to love and to serve
With you Bernadette, WE go to meet the Lord in the Eucharist. WE go to drink at the Spring of the Living Water of the Word of God. WE go in procession, together as a Church in the footsteps of Christ.
With you Bernadette, WE shall go and repeat the Name of the Lady to the World, ‘I am the Immaculate Conception’.

Saint Bernadette, teach us to pray to Mary each day, Mother of God and our Mother: ‘Hail Mary, full of Grace’.

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you
Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for us. Saint Bernadette Pray for us.


Terry Mc Namee

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